Today I learned a new class which I think is great.
The MultiSelectionHelper class provides an interface to work with multiple selected records on a form data source. Say you want to highlight a number of records and run a function against them.
Here is some sample code:
The MultiSelectionHelper class provides an interface to work with multiple selected records on a form data source. Say you want to highlight a number of records and run a function against them.
Here is some sample code:
public void initFromArgs(Args _args = this.parmArgs())
MultiSelectionHelper multiSelectionHelper;
PurchReqTable purchReqTable;
if (args && args.caller() && args.record())
multiSelectionHelper = MultiSelectionHelper::createFromCaller(args.caller());
multiSelectionHelper.createQueryRanges(queryRun.query().dataSourceTable(tablenum(PurchReqTable)), fieldstr(PurchReqTable, PurchReqId));
case tablenum(PurchReqTable) :
purchReqTable= multiSelectionHelper.getFirst();
while (purchReqTable)
purchReqTable = multiSelectionHelper.getNext();