Just today, I tried setting up TFS online.
This is a good blog to get started.
First, sign up with www.visualstudio.com
Setup a new project.
As per the blog article mentioned above.
Install this.
Visual Studio version | Team Explorer version | Required software |
Visual Studio 2010 | Team Explorer 2010 | Requires SP1 and Compat GDR. |
Important: Make sure to restart your AOS.
Go to AX and set up your version control parameters.
If you are logged in already via browser or the pop up dialog in AX, it won’t prompt for a log in. Otherwise, it will pop up with a dialog to log in.
Error 1: TF400813: Resource not available for anonymous access. Client authentication required
Install SP1 as recommended above.
Error 2: TF30064: You are not authorized to access the server.
You probably installed SP1 but did not restart your AOS. Restart your AOS for change to take affect.