This post is a continuation from the last blog post. We will explore what it takes to build and deploy your bot.
In the Azure Portal, create a new “Web App Bot” by searching for “bot”. Select Web App Bot and follow the wizard.
Enter the required details. Make sure to change the pricing tier to the free one, if you are experimenting. It is a good idea to select your template here.
There are various templates available. Question and Answer one is a good template for fast set up of your QnA maker. If you are intending to use LUIS, select the Language understanding template. It will create LUIS project and connect it up for you.
In the App Settings you will all the application ids, secret keys etc to hook it all up.
If you used the LUIS template, you will see the LUIS application created here.
If you used the QnA template, then you will be required to enter the QnA appkey and password.
You can download the source code from the Build blade.