1. Go to http://www.virtualbox.org/wiki/Downloads Download virtual box and the extension pack. 2. Once you have installed, create a new virtual machine. 3. Select Windows 2008 64bit 4. Allocate a good portion of memory (4GB recommended) 6. Un-tick the boot Hard Disk. Add disks manual after the wizard is finished. 6. Click on your new virtual image settings 7. Navigate to Storage Add hard disks by clicking the disk icon – then “Choose existing disk” Repeat this step for all 3 vhd files. · AX5-W8R2-01.vhd · AX5-W8R2-01_DB.vhd · AX5-W8R2-01_PF.vhd 8. After you have finished. Settings should look like this: 9. Start your image Configure sharepoint After you have managed to get it to start, there are a couple other things to be aware of: 1. Start the AOS by going to the windows services and start manua...
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