In this post, I will show how to renumber the line numbers in a table with out getting the duplicate record is not allowed. A bit of background first, say you have a table with line number field. It gets out of sequence and now you want to renumber it. You can’t simply write a method to loop through and renumber it. The system won’t allow you do it. One solution is to number then to something unique (ie. negative numbers). Then do a second loop and number them correctly. Another solution is below. I store the RecId and LineNum in a temp table. Then I do a bulk update using update_recordset. Note: I am using a fake table below called WorkOrder and WorkOrderLine. static void renumberLineNum ( JournalId _journalId ) { WorkOrder workOrder ; WorkOrderLine workOrderLine ; TmpLineRenumbering tmpLineRenumbering ; real lineNum ; while select RecId, LineNum from workOrder order by workOrder. LineNu
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