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Showing posts from October, 2017

Chain of Command–next() gotcha

UPDATE: 31/10/2017 Microsoft reached out and I have to correct my example code. It seems the compiler does not catch it when it is 2 nested conditions. See below code. Be careful when using Chain of Command not to place the next() call in a condition. Here is an example. Create a class extension for a form. Call the method init() but place it in an “if” condition. Something like this. [ExtensionOf(formStr(PurchReqCreate))] final class PurchReqCreate_EAM_Extension { public void init() { info("Outer - Before next"); if (this.args() && this.args().record() && this.args().record().TableId == -100) //intentionally made it -100 to not execute this code { //doing something here info("Inner - Before next"); if (this.args().record().TableId == -100) { info("Inside second if condition"); } next init(); info("Inne

First look at Azure Functions

Azure Functions allows you to write code that can be triggered by an event or timer. You don’t need a machine to run it on. All the computing runs on the Azure cloud ie sevrverless computing. Below is a quick walk through. Keep in mind Microsoft has great documentation on their site. Just google it. In this post I will put a simple walkthrough. Save you from the information overload. Make sure you are using Visual Studio 2017. Create a project of type “Azure Function” Give it a minute to resolve the NuGet package. You will see a warning icon and watch it disappear by it self. Once its done. Right click and Add item. Select the type of function. The easiest to do is the Http trigger. This will create a class with some sample code. When you run it, it will run a local instance. Navigate to the URL and watch it run. There are many applications in the Dynamics space. Hopefully next time I can cover some Dynamics scenarios.