UPDATE: 31/10/2017 Microsoft reached out and I have to correct my example code. It seems the compiler does not catch it when it is 2 nested conditions. See below code. Be careful when using Chain of Command not to place the next() call in a condition. Here is an example. Create a class extension for a form. Call the method init() but place it in an “if” condition. Something like this. [ExtensionOf(formStr(PurchReqCreate))] final class PurchReqCreate_EAM_Extension { public void init() { info("Outer - Before next"); if (this.args() && this.args().record() && this.args().record().TableId == -100) //intentionally made it -100 to not execute this code { //doing something here info("Inner - Before next"); if (this.args().record().TableId == -100) { info("Inside second if condition"); } next init(); info("Inne
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