In my last blog I did a demonstration of using an SQL query to build a PowerBI report for the general ledger transactions. I hard coded the RecId for the financial dimensions. It might be cumbersome to build the query manual. So here I wrote a job you could run to get the query. It will spit out an infolog which you should be able to copy and paste. static void navax_generateGLQuery(Args _args) { DimensionAttribute dimensionAttribute; str sqlStatement, dimNameStr, dimMaxStr, name; sqlStatement = @' SELECT GeneralJournalCube.* %1 FROM GeneralJournalCube INNER JOIN ( SELECT DAVC.RecId as CombinationId %2 FROM DIMENSIONATTRIBUTEVALUECOMBINATION DAVC INNER JOIN DIMENSIONATTRIBUTEVALUEGROUPCOMBINATION DAVGC ON DAVC.RECID = DAVGC.DIMENSIONATTRIBUTEVALUECOMBINATION INNER JOIN DIMENSIONATTRIBUTELEVELVALUE AS DAVL ON
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