UPDATE: 28 June 2018 - Follow this post for using secret key rather than asking user to log in http://dynamicsnavax.blogspot.com/2018/06/testing-msdyn365fo-odata-with-postman.html In this post I will explain using POSTMAN but it really doesn’t matter what tool you use (SOAPUI is another common tool). The main point I am trying to make is how to put the authentication piece together so you can start messaging to/from the web service. Download POSTMAN from their site https://www.getpostman.com/ In Azure AD register the application. For more info see previous post I wrote http://dynamicsnavax.blogspot.com.au/2016/09/azure-ad-in-new-portal.html For POSTMAN, you need to enter the redirect. POSTMAN would tell you this later when you try to get a token. Redirect URL: https://www.getpostman.com/oauth2/callback Open up POSTMAN and enter your URL you want to send a request to. Click on the bright orange button “Get New Access Token” This dialog will pop up. It will ask f
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