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Showing posts from November, 2016

Dynamics 365 for Operations mobile platform–Part 3

This post I will explain how actions work. How to create a new sales order via Actions. On the sales order click on Actions. Then add an action. Click on the new sales order button and start recording your screen. I selected a few fields that I wanted to add. Go to the mobile and refresh. Lookups have to be linked too. This can be done by clicking on the field and then hit the properties. Notice how you have to have an existing page. I ended up creating a customer page and linked the fields. Date look up appear like so This will sync the action back to the system. If there are any sync issues, just navigate to the Sync history. You don’t get a detailed error message. You get sync failed due to an error. That is why I have to emphasis keep it simple.

Dynamics 365 for Operations mobile platform–Part 2

In the previous post , I showed my first experience with downloading the application. In this post, I will give some examples of setting it up. First enter the url with &mode=mobile On the top right menu you will see Mobile app. This will slide through the configurations pane. Click on Add and create your first workspace.   I navigated to the form I want to record. I went into the On-hand inventory form. Clicked on Select fields button and these orange + signs came up. Select the fields you want to display on the mobile device. Click on the Done buttons. Then click on Publish workspace.   Refresh the mobile app.   This would have been really cool if it worked but I had a issue. It only displayed 1 item in the list. The onhand form is very complicated and has a lot of dynamic features. Hiding and showing inventory dimension. So, I would recommend creating your own simpl

Dynamics 365 for Operations mobile platform–Part 1

This is my first attempt at the mobile solution. Here are some findings. I downloaded the Android version which you can download from the Play Store . Have a read of the wiki site. It is well written. First thing you will get is the sign in screen. Enter the URL for Dynamics 365 for Operations. Enter the company code. The application is company specific. Accept the terms and conditions. You will be navigated to the login screen. Allow access to your media on your device. You will be presented with a blank workspace and some menu options. Next post I will write about configuring it.

Part 1–Create an Azure IoT Hub and Device

This is not AX but this was a nice experience. I worked through some labs to interact with Azure IoT Hub. There is a lot of information out there on the web. So, I will focus on the the IoT Hub only here. On later dates, I may get into the other features of the IoT services in Azure. Below are the steps to create a device in IoT Hub to get you started. After you have created your device, you can interact with the device in multiple ways. Go to Azure and Create a new IoT Hub App. Enter the required information. Now you can Add Devices manually through the Azure Portal. Otherwise, you can use the SDK to add the device via code. Now, I will show how to add the device via C#. Create a new Console project. Add the reference via NuGet. Search for Microsoft.Azure.Devices and Install it. Below is the code to copy and paste. Make sure to change the connection string to point it to your IoT Hub. using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; us

AX 7 Working with Version control

This is the landing page for setting up your development environment with version control. This is relatively easy and setting up a new solution/project works without a problem. In this post,I want to highlight a little gotcha. If you open up a solution and notice the project isn’t bound to version control. i.e. No padlock icon, not able to check out Then it looks like you may have to bind the solution. Open up the solution using source control explorer. You should get this message asking you to bind it. Click on Yes and follow it. Following screen you get. Otherwise, create a new solution that and make sure to tick the “Add to version control” flag in the dialog.

Right click context in AX7

In previous versions we had the ability to override showContextMenu to achieve right click in various controls.. This used have pop the menu and wait for a user response to continue. This concept of waiting for a response doesn’t exist in AX7. So, it has been split into two methods: getContextMenuOptions selectedMenuOption Do a search in the AOT for code examples it’s relatively straightforward.