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Showing posts from August, 2013

How to fit address fields correctly in a Windows Envelope

I am still a subscriber of some Dynamics NAV blogs. Sometimes you find some things that related to both products AX and NAV. Claus wrote a great piece on making address fields fit in a window envelope (for SSRS). It got me thinking that I saw something like this when I did a purchase order report. Here it is. Notice how there is a clear text box. The property is set to CanShrink=False. This is to lock the position of the address so it does not move up if a we have the company logo not visible.

AX and Scrum: Setting up your environment

Scrum encourages version control. Below is the setup we have. Our development environment is local to all developers. When a unit of work is complete and meets best practice it is checked in. Then on a regular basis the Test environment will be updated using the TFS synchronise functionality. This should update the test environment will all checked in work. This diagram below illustrates this process. We have 3 environments for product development: Environment name AOS Comment Daxeam_Dev Developer machine Install on developers machine and TFS is enabled. Daxeam_Test AX6-AOS-TEST Installed on the server and TFS is enabled. When a developer is finished with a piece of functionality it is synced into this environment for testing. Ideally a nightly build is recommended to ensure that everything is fine and it can be picked at as soon as a problem occurs. We actually do this on the last 5 days of our sprint- every night. Daxeam_Release AX6-AOS-RELEASE Thi...

AX and Scrum: Product development (ISV)

Being recently certified as a scrum master through scrum alliance . I thought I would share some experiences through this blog. Last week I wrote about what I was working on for the last 2 years ( Daxeam – Enterprise asset management solution for Dynamics AX). Continuing with the spirit of sharing. I will try to post how we are building our product and provide some examples. Our development methodology of choice is Scrum. What is scrum? “An agile framework that allows us to focus on delivering the highest business value in the shortest time.” Mike Cohn – “Introduction to Scrum Methodology” It is an incremental and iterative approach to development. Why scrum? The biggest advantage of scrum for me is that it allows the team to deliver the highest business value first. Then on top of that each sprint release is a potentially shippable product. Yes – in AX any mod is shippable but what scrum does is it formalize this for. Rather than being reactive,...

ISV solution for maintenance [AX 2012]

Today I will talk about something I am passionate about and have been working on for the last 2 years. This is Daxeam . The name Daxeam is a mash up of two words. DAX  for Dynamics AX and EAM for Enterprise asset management . It is a maintenance solution built from the ground up on AX 2012. Which means we took full advantage of new tools and right way of developing. It is Certified for Dynamics AX. You can find more detail on pinpoint and the Daxeam website. Daxeam revolves around: asset and keeping track of assets. Cost, meters, structures etc work orders – budgeting hours and items. Capturing feedback. Workflow. forecasting, scheduling and planning – Preventative maintenance. Detailed scheduling with capacity. warranty and permits – triggers for warranties … Why am I writing this today you may ask? I am planning on blogging a little bit every week abo...

Purchase requisition error “The total, internal size of the records in your joined SELECT statement is 51314 bytes, but…” [AX 2012 R2]

In AX 2012 R2 you might get this on the purchase requisition form. This happens because a lot of fields have been deleted as part of R2 and new ones added on the purchase requisition line table. The total, internal size of the records in your joined SELECT statement is 51314 bytes, but Microsoft Dynamics is by default performance-tuned not to exceed 49152 bytes. It is strongly recommended that you split your table(s) into smaller units. Alternatively, you have to specify a 'Maximum buffer size' value of 51 Kbytes or higher on the 'Database Tuning' tab page in the Microsoft Dynamics AX Server Configuration Utility. The default value is 24 Kbytes. Exit Microsoft Dynamics immediately, and follow the directives above. Use of the table(s) will cause unpredictable results. Solution Turn off the upgrade config keys. You should have these turn off in your production environments.