I came across this last week http://www.k3technical.com/change-tracking-in-ax2012-r3/ Great blog post talking about change tracking in AX 2012 R3. I decided to give it a go and see how to leverage it for an integration project I am working on. When you run the first job, you enable database tracking. In here you can define a retention period and if it should clean up automatically. The next piece is to enable change tracking on the table. Related tables get triggers to update the parent to tell it there was a change. A change tracking version is maintained in AX. Every time you reset a new version is inserted. If you run a basic select statement to see what is in change control. Below is the result. SELECT * FROM CHANGETABLE(CHANGES dbo.VendTable, 0) ct JOIN dbo.VendTable c ON c.AccountNum = ct.AccountNum; When you run the last job – returns a result set. This is actually a sql query that is run. SELECT * FROM CHANGETABLE(CHANGES dbo.VendTable, 0) ct JOIN db...
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