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Showing posts from July, 2012

Turn off industry specific license configuration [AX 2012]

One thing to be aware of. In AX 2012 the root module configuration key cannot be turned off from the "License configuration" (in the figure below the locked licence configuration is represented with red pad lock). You have to go to "License information" and blank out the license code field (*****). If you want to re-enable it, then import the license key again and restart the AOS. Alternatively you can just type the license code again. Customer license files don’t expire (unless they are demo licenses) and with AX 2012 licensing model; they get everything. If additional users are purchased a new license is issued and this could re-enable to the license code.

Using find with special characters

I use the Find a lot in AX AOT. There are two not very well known ways of searching: 1. Find special characters This is not very well known by others but I find very useful is using escape character to find what I want. For example you want to search for code containing <SYS> . I just type in \<SYS\> . 2. Find AOT property You can search for property values. For example, in the AOT, if you search the Workflow node, and enter Module: *#Vendor in the Containing text field, only application objects that have a property named Module where the value is set to Vendor are displayed.   You can find a bit more info on msdn.

Import default dimension into a table (eg. Customer table) [AX 2012]

I hear this question a lot. How do I update dimensions or import default dimensions? I wrote a job to import a csv file. Lets take the example below with 4 dimensions. Create a csv file to import with the following columns. CustNum,Dim1,Dim2,Dim3,Dim4 The result should be something like this. Below is the job I wrote to import the dimensions. When you run it, it will request a file path to be imported. Not the cleanest code but good enough for a quick one. Code: static void ImportCustomerDimension( Args _args) { AsciiIO asciiIO; Filename filename; NoYesId skipFirstLine; Container line; Dialog dialog; DialogField dialogFileName, dialogSkipFirstLine; DimensionAttribute dimAttr; DimensionAttributeSetItem dimAttrSetItem; DimensionEnumeration dimensionSetId; Container combinedContainer; CustTable custTable; CustAccount ...

How to add financial dimensions to cubes [AX 2012]

AX 2012 BI is so much easier and enjoyable to use. Seeing how easy it is, I don’t see a reason for not deploying it all clients. To add a financial dimension Click Tools > Business Intelligence (BI) tools > SQL ServerAnalysis Services project wizard. Click Next . Select Update and then click Next . Select an Analysis Services project to add the financial dimension to, and then click Next . After the project builds, click Next again. On the Select perspectives screen, click Next . On the Select Microsoft Dynamics AX dimensions screen, select financial dimensions you want to include in your Analysis Services project. Complete the wizard. Select the perspectives Select the dimensions Select the date diemension/s Select the label translations Then wait for it to finish. This will take some time. Once done. Continue with the wizard.   By the selections we made in the wizard. The “Visual Studio Projects” > “Analysis Services Project” > “Dyna...

Override a lookup on a report dialog [AX 2012]

A good example of overriding a lookup on a report dialog is on the ProjMissingHourRegUIBuilder class. In simple, you need to create a UIBuilder class that extends SrsReportDataContractUIBuilder . You can create grouping; vertical or horizontal alignment; change the number of columns; or add look ups. The following methods can be overridden to add necessary functionality: SrsReportDataContractUIBuilder.addDialogField SrsReportDataContractUIBuilder.getFromDialog SrsReportDataContractUIBuilder.buildGroup Reference:

Add an Image/Icon to an Action Pane Button [AX 2012]

Let start with the result. Below is a screenshot of Super Mario replacing the Customer icon. This is becoming a common question with AX 2012 using Action panes and all the buttons having images associated to them. It definitely adds to the usability. Follow the below steps and you’ll be alright. Get your icon file You can purchase your icon file on line or create them. To create them, create a png file with transparent background. Use either Photoshop or equivalent Gimp (free). Just Google on how to make an image transparent (I am very inexperienced and I got by – most people should be fine). Then go to and load up your png to convert to an ico file. From here on it is all standard AX. To add an image resource to the AOT In the AOT, right-click Resources , and then click Create from File . The Select file window opens. Navigate to the location of the image file that you want to use for a button. Click the file, and then click Open . The image fi...

Data Migration Framework Beta Released [AX 2012]

The Data Migration Framework for Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 is an extension that helps you migrate data into Microsoft Dynamics AX. Examples of the data that you can migrate include master data, open stock, and balances. The Data Migration Framework is available from the InformationSource services download page . Data Migration Framework User Guide [AX 2012] It appears a separate module in your menu (like a module area). I will try to install and give an update when possible.

Hot Fixes Released For Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012

View a list of hot fixes released by Microsoft for Dynamics AX 2012 since its initial release. The beauty about this page is, it is a consolidated list and makes it easy to find the hotfix in relation to the cumulative update.