One advantage with parquet files is that it keeps history. Run the below script and it will give you the history. %% sql DESCRIBE HISTORY dirpartytable; Below is an example I have in my environment. Use "VERSION AS OF" Now that you have the history, you can use the VERSION AS OF statement. This will give you the previous values for the record. %% sql SELECT partynumber, primarycontactphone, primarycontactemail FROM dirpartytable WHERE partynumber = '000001702' ; SELECT partynumber, primarycontactphone, primarycontactemail FROM dirpartytable VERSION AS OF 2 WHERE partynumber = '000001702' ; The below example is when I deleted the primary contact phone number.
This will be a fairly straightforward blog post covering different ways of copying data from a shortcut delta table into a delta table created automatically via a notebook. Select statement with a join %% sql SELECT party.recid AS PartyId , AS Name ,COALESCE(party.namealias, '' ) AS ShortName ,COALESCE(postal.countryregionid, '' ) AS Country ,COALESCE(postal.state, '' ) AS State ,COALESCE(, '' ) AS City ,COALESCE(postal.street, '' ) AS Street ,COALESCE(postal.zipcode, '' ) AS PostCode ,COALESCE(phone.locator, '' ) AS PhoneNumber ,COALESCE(email.locator, '' ) AS Email FROM dirpartytable party LEFT OUTER JOIN logisticspostaladdress postal ON postal. location = party.primaryaddresslocation AND postal.validto > current_date () -- filters only valid(effective) addresses LEFT OUTER JOIN logisticselectronicadd...